Mathematician vs Biologist

Ketika mengajar bioinformatika Selasa kemarin, saya meng-quote ucapan dua orang tokoh: John Nash (mathematician, pemenang Nobel ekonomi 1994) dan Charles Darwin (biologist). Ucapan kedua tokoh tsb. menggambarkan bagaimana dua bidang: biologi dan matematika (atau computer science) dahulunya merupakan dua bidang yang sulit dipertemukan.

  1. John Nash: “This is the important thing about factually focusing in and comprehending the area that you dealing with Mathematics is very specific, and it is an art form. No matter what these people around here will tell you especially the people from biology, Don’t listen any of those people”
  2. Charles Darwin : “A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn’t there”

Ucapan John Nash itu disampaikan dalam pidato saat menerima hadiah Nobel, menurut film “Beautiful Mind”. Tetapi kalau diperiksa di sejarahnya, fakta itu tidak pernah ada. Kehidupan Nash yg sebenarnya, katanya lebih kompleks daripada yang diperlihatkan di film.

Pertemuan pertama antara computer science (atau matematika) dengan biologi adalah saat awal Human Genome Project, dimana teknologi www & internet dipakai sebagai media komunikasi dan pengarsipan data.

Tentang Anto Satriyo Nugroho

My name is Anto Satriyo Nugroho. I am working as research scientist at Center for Information & Communication Technology, Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology (PTIK-BPPT : Pusat Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi). I obtained my doctoral degree (Dr.Eng) from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan in 2003. My office is located in Serpong, Tangerang Selatan City. My research is on pattern recognition and image processing with applied field of interests on biometrics identification & development of computer aided diagnosis for Malaria. Should you want to know further information on my academic works, please visit my professional site at
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